Wednesday, July 24, 2019

Organization design ((anthonys pizza) Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Organization design ((anthonys pizza) - Essay Example If these workers had some basic training for making simple things in the kitchen, it would go a long way in reducing wastage of time. In turn, customers would not experience enforcement, which is to stand in line for a long time. Overall, the time wastage and the high training costs may receive quick resolution. Currently, after the training, the new employees have three trials and then the management may subjectively decide whether to retain the employees or dismiss them. At that point, the pizzeria loses money used to train employee. If the employees after the hiring and training process, were given contracts to sign, which implied the subjective letting go would not exist anymore, Anthony’s pizza would save significant cash. In addition, Anthony’s pizza may only hire the employees they need all year round, and hire a few casual labourers during the peak period. When Anthony’s pizza is making a decision to train an employee, this does not entail formal evaluation. Before employees’ introduction to the work environment, they ought to undergo meticulous evaluation. This will reduce the probability of placing employees who have undergone inadequate training meant for the working settings. This is because it is in the nature of poorly trained employees to be wasteful. They also have a higher probability of making mistakes, which wastes foods and other products and wastes time. The wastage may be reduced by properly evaluating employees before placing them in the working environment. In addition, most employees who are let go are always bitter and claim that everything seemed perfect until they were let go. This means that they never saw it coming. This is especially due to being put in the working environment before proper evaluation. The management should review the performance of the new employees during trials and tell them are as that need improvement instead of firing them. This again will

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