Friday, July 26, 2019

Make a title Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Make a title - Essay Example In essence, child spanking is a shortcut to child disciplining which is not effective. Child spanking does more harm and little, if any, good. To begin with, spanking gives a wrong example to children. In disciplining a child, the approach should be positive. Children learn from what they observe their parents do. As a result therefore, when a child is spanked, the lesson learnt is that violence would solve problems. It may be perceived as a mode of bullying. The child could view it that, it would be right for an older person to hit a younger one. It would thus be dangerous for the child to grow under that perception. The parent in spanking aims to correct an action that is viewed as an act lower to the acceptable disciplinary standards. To the child, it would be another message sent. In most cases, it is notable that many mothers are of the view that the child should not be spanked. At times however, their child would engage in an act and they prompt to spank them. The spanking could thus be an act of low self-control. Now, is that the message that should be delivered to the child? One characteristic of discipline is self -control. It is what the child should learn. However, under spanking, the lesson is all different. Rob Walters’ states that, â€Å"When your child misbehaves or acts in ways that are defiant, inappropriate, or even dangerous, you want to show him that this behavior is unacceptable and needs to change. Spanking may seem like a direct and effective way to do that, but it also delivers other messages you dont want to be sent† (Walters) The relationship between the parent or guardian and the child is affected significantly. The trust after spanking would be lost. The child upon being spanked questions the love that her spanker has for her or him. The foundation for trust between the two is thus shaken. The child is frustrated and angry. The feelings would progress to the teenage

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